
It's time to read the bill
By Bibsy M. Carballo (The Philippine Star) Updated April 08, 2011 12:00 AM

We go to the blogs on Google for help. Rochelle Sy Chua quoted Gibo Teodoro who said everyone got so involved with how to pass the bill they forgot about the actual problem and how to fix it. Paul Farol was more concerned with whether government money would go into preventing pregnancies or the spread of AIDS. Frederick Tomas opined that with most Filipino Catholics, there has to be a way to reconcile both pro and anti. The most unruffled opinion came from Jadedsecret who shared there was nothing pro-life about unwanted children begging on the streets, and that she was instead “pro-quality of life.”

Timeline of Events Regarding the Willing Willie Alleged Child Abuse Issue

April 7
Procter and Gamble pulls out ad placement on Willing Willie
I first learned about the P & G pullout through Paul Farol.

Bloggers react to Noynoy’s oath-taking plans

In the Manila Review, blogger Paul Farol says Aquino’s “unwarranted antagonism” he is showing against the Chief Justice will be one major problem facing his presidency. In an earlier an open letter to Noynoy, he says: “I also do hope that you take the lead in showing our people that you are willing to follow the rules even though the outcome of those rules are not favorable to any political goal or interest that you may have.”

Farol’s post generated mixed reactions from readers. On the issue of undermining the Supreme Court, Jose Acelajado says: “If Noynoy decided to take his oath before a barangay captain, then this sums up the kind of administration we will be getting!”