Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Help save Defense Reporter Victor Reyes' eyesight

Victor Reyes, Malaya's defense reporter, met an accident on the road yesterday morning. He was a passenger of a car being driven by a friend when they hid an MMDA concrete barrier on EDSA in Cubao.

As a consequence, he has lost sight in one eye and doctors have advised a procedure that will save his one good eye. The operation will cost P1,000,000.

It can't be stressed enough how important eyesight is for news reporters.

Malaya doesn't have an HMO and all Victor has to help save on medical expenses is his Philhealth benefits. He and his wife, Jocelyn Montemayor (a Malacanang reporter) aren't that well off to afford the surgery that will allow Victor to continue working as a reporter.

Friends of Victor have already gone around to ask people for help in raising the P1,000,000 needed.


  1. hello. thank you for the SOS.
    please be informed that Victor Reyes has finally been discharged from SLMC after 8 daysof stay and instead of the P1 million initally quoted by a hospital staff (which will supposedly be for 10 days and would cover a stay at the ICU) he was only charged around P300K...thanks to the philhealth, the medicard insurance from malaya, the discounts from former editors and now working at SLMC.
    thanks also to those who offered support-moral, financial,etc- and prayers.

    God bless

  2. No need to thank me Jojo.

    This is the least I can do for Victor and wish I could have done more for him.


Blind me with your science!