Any way, I sorta remember PNoy saying that he will be creating a feedback mechanism whereby people can provide PNoy information, suggestions, and complaints.
I looked at the listed functions of the PCOO and the PCDSPO, and there seems to be no explicit mention of a mechanism through which the people can give PNoy their piece of mind.
Anyway, here is part of the Press Release which lists the functions of the PCDSPO:
The order defines the functions of PCDSPO as:
a) Coordinate the crafting, formulation, development and enhancement of the messaging system under the OP;
b) Design and recommend responses to issues that arise on a daily basis; ensure consistency in the messages issued by the Executive Department;
c) Assist in the formulation and implementation of new media strategies for the OP; assist in research and development of new media instruments;
d) Liaise with the Malacanang Records office
e) Control and supervise the conduct of market research, monitoring public opinion and gathering, use and analysis of other relevant data as may be necessary;
f) Formulate editorial guidelines and policies for state media;
g) Ensure consistency in the implementation of the corporate identity of the Executive Department;
h) Actas custodian of the institutional memory of the OP, which includes the supervision and control of the Presidential Museum and Library and liaison with the Malacanang Records Office;
i) Perform editorial functions for the Official Gazette;
j) Perform such other functions as may be directed by the President.
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