((((( LEARN FIRST AID. )))))
First off. I am quite proud of my two former officemates at RPN 9 who helped bring people from the bus bombing site in EDSA.
Abet Sy, Roel and their reporter did the right thing when they brought victims to the nearest hospital.
Not everyone can box like Pacquiao or sing like Charice Pempengco, but everyone can have the heart and the willingness to help other people who are in trouble.
A lot of people are fearful right now and as usual, the government is getting a lot of flak for having allowed such an atrocity to happen. People are blaming the police, cabinet officials, the President, and even the MMDA.
Guess what? Fixing the blame isn't fixing the problem.
Given the way things are at present, we have to realize that we are all basically on our own and the sooner we accept this as a fact, the faster we will be able to find and apply solutions that will help us all get through our day safely.
And here are a number of things we ought to consider:
1. Don't be a victim. Always take the necessary precautions and always be on the look out for danger.
2. Get some emergency training and always be prepared to use that training. Know what to do in case of a fire, earthquake, flood or an explosion. Know how to apply first aid in as many situations as possible and if possible, CPR.
3. Be ready to call people who can help.
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