Just got this in my e-mail and I really find it revolting.
400 years ago, our Spanish Colonizers used God and King as justification for everything they did to our people.
What sickens me about this post is the contention that the Blessed Virgin Mother Mary herself said that NOO-NOY AQUINO would be President in 2010.
Whoever is behind the spread of this letter ought to go to hell for using the BVM as part of their propaganda. Isn't ANYTHING SACRED ANYMORE?
400 years ago, our Spanish Colonizers used God and King as justification for everything they did to our people.
What sickens me about this post is the contention that the Blessed Virgin Mother Mary herself said that NOO-NOY AQUINO would be President in 2010.
Whoever is behind the spread of this letter ought to go to hell for using the BVM as part of their propaganda. Isn't ANYTHING SACRED ANYMORE?
A certain Lindy wrote the following account of vision of Sister Emma on the next President of the Philippines. As of today, I have not received any corroborative story from the Center for Peace Asia. -- Bro. Mike Mundo
Dear friends,
Yesterday I was in the residence of Brenda Padilla in Alabang. It was a gathering of people who had gotten a text invite to listen to Emma de Guzman a Filipina visionary, talk about messages that the Blessed Virgin gave her during an apparition at the Mountain of Salvation in Batulao last Wednesday, Sept. 7. There were 2,000 people present when the Virgin appeared to her at midnight. Emma is a Filipina visionary who has followers all over the world and she has been receiving apparitions from Mama Mary since the 90's. June Keithly featured her in a TV documentary. You can google her for her amazing spiritual gifts.
Anyway, yesterday she talked about how our country is blessed because God loves the Filipino people so much. God told her that we should not worry about all the problems we are experiencing. The United States is a rich, powerful nation and yet they are experiencing all sorts of calamities because they have turned away from God. She said in 2010, something will happen and after that, from 2011 to 2016, we will be experiencing a period of great prosperity. She said a young man will be elected President and our country will be showered with graces because of his leadership.
She said that the Blessed Virgin showed her a vision of this young man sometime ago. She did not know him and when her friends showed her pictures from the newspapers, she couldn't find him in any of them. She resides in the States and on this trip, she saw him in the newspapers. When asked, she said he is in his late forties or early 50's. Emma said some people do not think he is qualified to be president because he is not intelligent enough. The reason why God picked him is because of the pureness of his heart. She said he will run and he will win and he will offer up his position to the altar of God. And God will provide him with everything he needs to be a good President. He will bring about positive changes in our society. He will end the culture of graft and corruption but he will not seek revenge.
She said she will come back during elections to vote for him and we should also all vote for him. She refused to give his name and just asked us to pray for discernment so we would know who to vote for. When asked what his distinctive feature is, she said "iyong noo."
I was so happy after listening to Emma's talk. I had no doubt in my mind that she was talking about Noynoy. God is again intervening in our history to send us a leader who will end the misery of our people. I just wanted to share this wonderful revelations with all my friends and loved ones.
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