Wednesday, May 25, 2011

President Noynoy Aquino and the Philippines Arms Race against China over Spratly Islands

President Noynoy Aquino yesterday warned Chinese Defense Minister Liang Gianglie that continued intrusions into the dispute Spratley Islands could lead to an arms race.

The Philippine Daily Inquirer today quoted him in a news item saying:

“I said, ‘If there are incidents such as these, doesn’t it promote an arms race happening within the region? When there’s an arms race, doesn’t the potential for conflict also increase? Who benefits from such a development?’” Mr. Aquino said. 
“I told them, ‘We may not have the capabilities now but that might force us to increase our capabilities also,’” he said.

Hmmm...  Okay, just for the sake of discussion and supposing that our President is actually serious, let's see how the Chinese military stacks up against our military.

Here are a couple of statistics from
Total Population: China: 1,330,044,544 [2008]; Philippines: 96,061,680 [2008] 
Population Available: China 729,323,673 [2008]; Philippines: 46,724,739 [2008]
Fit for Military Service: China  609,273,077 [2008]; Philippines: 38,059,588 [2008]
Active Military Personnel: China 2,255,000 [2008]; Philippines: 113,000 [2008] 

Total Land-Based Weapons: China 31,300; Philippines, 411 
Tanks: China: China 8,200 [2004]; Philippines, ?
Armored Personnel Carriers: China 5,000 [2004]; Philippines, ? 
Towed Artillery: China 14,000 [2004]; Philippines, 242 [2001] 
Self-Propelled Guns: China 1,700 [2004]; Philippines, ?
Multiple Rocket Launch Systems: China 2,400 [2004]; Philippines, ? 
Mortars: China 16,000 [2001]; Philippines, ?
Anti-Tank Guided Weapons: China 6,500 [2004]; Philippines, ? 
Anti-Aircraft Weapons: China 7,700 [2004]; Philippines,

Total Aircraft: China 1,900 [2004]; Philippines 257 [2003] 
Helicopters: China 491 [2004]; Philippines 126 [2003] 
Serviceable Airports: China 467 [2007]; Philippines 255 [2007]

Total Navy Ships: China 760; Philippines 36 
Merchant Marine Strength: China 1,822 [2008]; Philippines,  391 [2008] 
Major Ports and Harbors: China 8; Philippines, 6 
Aircraft Carriers: China 1 [2010]; Philippines, 0 
Destroyers: China 21 [2004]; Philippines, 0 
Submarines: China 68 [2004]; Philippines, 0 
Frigates: China 42 [2004]; Philippines 1 [2008] 
Patrol & Coastal Craft: China 368 [2004]; Philippines 24 [2008] 
Mine Warfare Craft: China 39 [2004]; Philippines 0 
Amphibious Craft: China 121 [2004]; Philippines, 12 [2008]
I can't even begin to describe just how wrong it is for President Aquino to openly say such a thing.

When I heard he had said something that seemed like he was threatening China with war, it was as if I had been thrown back to the time when President Joseph Estrada ordered a naval blockade in the Spratley Islands.

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