Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Anti-Con Ass rally in Makati just hours away

I am attending the Anti-Con Ass rally in Makati today along with a few friends from the blogging community and with my colleagues from Dona Victorina.

As I've said in a yesterday's entry, I am attending the Anti-Con Ass rally with the knowledge that it is really an Anti-Gloria Forever rally or a mass demonstration against the continued rule of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo beyond her six year term of office.

I am against Gloria Macapagal Arroyo staying even just one extra day beyond her six year term as President. I am against Gloria Macapagal Arroyo running again as President or as Prime Minister.

I am also against politicians attending the demonstration. Senators and Congressmen already have their forum in Congress. The mass protest in Ayala should be a forum for the people and if ever politicians do attend, they should just sit with the crowd but not speak before them.

I hope that the organizers of the protest against Charter Change have already accounted for the 12 hour scheduled power outage that will affect most of Luzon.

Some have referred to this as quite a coincidence as it comes with the setting up of police and military checkpoints on major traffic routes leading to and from Metro Manila.

There may be an attempt on the part of Gloria's government to ensure that the gathering later won't turn into an uprising that might lead to her ouster just months before the schedule May 2010 National and Local Elections.

There is talk spreading that officers in the military may support a civilian uprising against Gloria to prevent her from extending her term.

But, so far, that's just talk and I'll be at the Anti-Con Ass rally to see for myself if anything like this might happen. If it does, I'll try to post updates about it here and on Facebook.

And oh, by the way.

The massive protest against Charter Change has spread among Filipino Facebook users and the cause application created against Con Ass has reached around 13,000 members. That's a lot of people.

This is great if it is really intended to be a tool for teaching people about the many issues surrounding amending the Philippine Constitution. But then again, if it is later used to prop up the candidacy of one politician or another... Well... I'd be the first to flame it.

See you at Ayala!

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