Thursday, July 09, 2009

Michael Jackson last rites: A tribute to hypocrisy

When Michael Jackson was alive, it seemed nothing good could ever be said about him and now that he is dead, it seems the entire firmament of the American who's who has come out to give him tribute.

Granted that these friends couldn't defend Michael Jackson from all the negative flak he received all the time, I just wonder how much of a friend they were to Jacko when he was suffering?

I think the only sincere tribute that was given to Michael was that from his daughter, Paris Michael Jackson. That really choked me up, more than Usher's singing beside Jackson's coffin. (But I wonder why most of Jackson's relatives kept on stroking her hair while she was talking.)

What really got me in the stream of Pinoy TV news reports is the video of Gary Valenciano tearing up. I admit that Valenciano was a real fan of Jackson, but it seemed that TV Patrol made such a big deal about it. I mean, so frickin' what!

Anyway, friendships become kind of strange, I imagine, when you reach a certain status or rise above the status of most of your friends. But friendships among those high up are even more unique.

Maybe this is why I wouldn't want LPGD to get a pagerank 7 or higher, or perhaps become a Google Adsense millionaire. (Hehehe!) He gets this funny look on his face whenever he is happy and it scares the shit out of me.

Then again, still looking at friendships, there's also the friendship between fellow DV blogger Brian Gorrell and DJ Montano. I don't know much about all the details, but Gorrell insists that Montano has not yet paid the money he owns to Gorrell.

Among the not so rich and those struggling not to be poor (like me), it is normal to owe some amount of money. The amount ranges from 500 pesos to a couple of thousand.

But in Montano's case, I think the amount reached US $70,000 and the real cruel thing about not paying this debt is the fact that Gorrell needs the money to keep himself alive. The thing is, Montano was said to have used the money to live the life and now his friend (former lover) is wasting away.

Anyway, here's the latest post from Gorrell on Dona Victorina:

Philippine High Society: PAY UP
by Brian Gorrell
There are few things I truly regret doing in my life. The one thing I regret the most is getting involved with my ex boyfriend DJ Montano, a man who I never really knew as it turned out. The other big regret is having unsafe sex which led to my HIV diagnosis, which of course created it's own set of issues to deal with. I deal with them as best as I can. We all know money helps, and trust me, you only find this out when you have no one to rely on.

Look, I REALLY thought Delfin would pay me back.

I wrote about this before; I truly mean it when I say that having HIV is much easier for me to deal with than losing my money to my ex boyfriend, a man I truly loved. My life savings represented my future, my security and my well-being. Without my money, I've had to seek help from the government due to my many health problems, my newly acquired chronic diabetes being only one of them. I had a blood transfusion yesterday and fell into a 'coma shock' for almost five minutes due to my anxiety medication and an allergic reaction to the blood. I had to be revived with adrenaline.

So you see, I have so many things to deal with which makes it difficult for me to get a job, so I'm on a paltry disability pension, which is humiliating for me actually. When one is in love and swept away in such an exotic fashion, it's easy to lose control of your rationality, especially if you are desperate for love as I was back then. And we all know I did lose my ability to see clearly through the thick haze of lies and manipulation. BUT that is NO reason for me to sit back and let DJ get away with stealing my money AND the contents of my hotel safe. That was, well, shocking really.

Am I tired of this?

Am I tired of death threats?

Am I tired of the abuse?

The hatred?

Yes, I am.For the first time in my life I contemplated suicide five weeks ago before my doctors intervened and placed me on medication. I just want you to know I am doing much better as a result and the thoughts of suicide are gone. But I was scared to death last month when I developed another tumor on my back, which had since been removed. It's the fifth such tumor I've had this past year. DJ has none of these worries. But I do and I need that money back.You ask yourself, how much can one man take before jumping off the edge?I'm exhausted.Just simply exhausted.Please help me.DJ, please end this for me.You give me back my Western Union and my bank deposits, and I will close the blog.

Please DJ, let this end for me.

Hang in there Brian, there's always hope.

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